Daily Motivation

Daily motivation to encourage and inspire you to be you and all that you can be!!! Don’t let your wishes and dreams remain, take action to be motivated to fulfill your purpose. Reading a quote daily can potentially change the directions of your entire day!!!

Self-Care Sunday: Unplug

As an IT professional, I appreciate this self-care check. To reset almost anything in life we unplug it from its power source for a few minutes, turn it off and then back on again or restart it. We aren’t any different. Take a moment if possible today and unplug. Go into nature or sit in…

The Award Goes To…

You did it! You survived the week no matter what it looked like. And even if it wasn’t to your liking just know you have the weekend to decompress, recharge and prepare to make the upcoming week that much better! Don’t give up! Better days are coming. Here’s to a great weekend!

At Your Own Pace

A lot of times people feel compelled to “keep up with the Jones’s” or to “keep up appearances” instead of living in their truth. I’m here to tell you, that dream house, car, job and relationship will all be there when you are ready and when it is your time. Don’t create unnecessary stress in…