

Finding Peace At Forty

At the cusp of four decades, a profound shift has taken hold, beckoning me to reassess my life again and seek solace amidst the whirlwind of my existence. Finding peace at forty was a journey of introspection, acceptance, and a graceful surrender to the ebb and flow of my human experience. It was a time…

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Here Above I Stand

Time spent above ground is precious. From the bonds and relationships you’re able to form. To the places you’re able to go. Even the things you’re able to see and experience, they can be priceless. I don’t want to spend another day upset over frivolous things when I am blessed with the breath to do…

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In an effort to take care of myself I got back into therapy after being noncompliant for over 2 years. In addition to me being noncompliant the availability of providers has been slim to none. Nonetheless, I logged off from work, messaged my team that I was leaving my desk and that I’d be right…

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Uncovering the Unseen

I woke up at 5:30am in the best mood despite my head throbbing from last night. Without washing my face or brushing my teeth, I crawled out of bed. I picked up my fur therapist and told him “Good Morning” with my amazing breath. Collected my thoughts, adjusted my eyes to the darkness and exited…

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Friendship Assignment

Friendship is a beautiful and essential part of our lives. It’s the laughter, the shared secrets, and the support that makes life’s journey a little more manageable. I’ve always valued my friendships but even more in recent years. In every group of friends, there’s often that one person who takes the initiative to coordinate get-togethers,…

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Another New Downplayed Normal

It seems like just yesterday, I was a carefree and semi-balanced woman, living life without a care in the world. But now, as I navigate the treacherous journey of this next transition in life early, my emotions are sent on a rollercoaster ride like never before. Mood swings, tantrums, and tears have become my new…

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